Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Furry Friends

My sister and brother-in-law recently adopted two kittens, Dexter and Alice. Jordan's allergies have been getting worse and worse therefore they had to get rid of the kitties and who better to give them to than US.

I like cats, always have. I remember when I was about 5, my dad picked me up from daycare holding a big brown box that he had stuff some old ratty towels in to keep two little kitties warm. I named one Abby (how original) and the other Skuttles (off the Little Mermaid).

So it wasn't too hard to say yes to adopting these cute furry friends. However, kitties are very hard to take care of! They are into everything, I mean EVERYTHING!
They like to jump on the counter, bite at your feet, put claw marks in your couch, and they always think they're hungry.

Dexter is the worst for thinking he's hungry. His meow is almost piercing! Alice is "soft spoken" and is a tag-a-long to her brother. They play together well, biting and kicking each other. Then you'll find them sleeping silently together... so cute!

I like my new friends, even though they're a handfull!

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