Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It's been quite a while since I last posted. Work has been taking over my life! Well that's been happening for quite a while now. I suppose I should work my tooshie off now while Im young and have no babies but it gets very tiring. 

Thanksgiving was great! Dane and I went to his family's on Thanksgiving day then on Saturday went to my family's. It was a lot of driving but well wroth it. The time always goes by so quickly when you're trying to cram so many things in a short period of time. 

I was able to go to my home church this past Sunday. I really miss having compelling sermons. The church that Dane and I were attending closed so now we're on the hunt for a new one.

Still no news on Dane's knee. He goes to the Dr. Thursday to check the fracture and possibly find out if surgery is needed.

A few weeks ago I decided to make homemade oatmeal cookies. They were sooooo delicious. When I started making them i did not realize how many the recipe would make. Well... I ended up making over 3 dozen. Needless to say we still have cookies in our freezer!

More later~