Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Lately I've really been trying to think of ways to help out our budget. I've been looking up money saving tips and have come across some very interesting things. It amazes me how some people are interested in finding any way to save a few pennies however in turn they turn those few pennies into a few bucks a month then $50 a year which makes for hundreds/thousands in a life time. Sometimes I think "is it really worth it for me to save only $50 bucks a year?" I know that if I accidentally lost that much money I would probably be freaking out... so I guess my answer would be yes, it would be worth it.
Some people unplug everything and only plug it in when they use it because it still uses energy by simply being plugged in even if its off. I have found some practical ways to save some extra cash and plan to share those in the future.
I'm really excited to see what I can learn!

Monday, January 17, 2011

So much, So fast!

Time has been flying by and I cannot believe we're half way through January already!

This past week was quite unusual. Monday we had a TON of snow... well actually I should refrase that because we didn't get that much snow but rather that we don't have enough snow plows. I was finishing up work when the snow started to fall and had to travel an hour back home. By the time I reached the house traffice was moving slower than ever! The snow kept falling and kept Dane and I from working Tuesday since our work involves traveling. It was nice to have an unexpected day off and plus Maci spent the night since she didn't have to teach the following day. It was a lot of fun catching up again.

By Wednesday morning the snow had drifted infront of our door trapping us inside! We had to wait until the maintence man came with the now blower.

I have always enjoyed snow days... Not sure how many people don't like them.

~more to come